1. Introduction

    Covers general AspUpload features, system requirements, and the installation procedure.

  2. Uploading Files and Text Items

    Shows how to upload files as well as text form items. Also covers unique filename generation and file size control.

  3. Memory Uploads

    Explains memory uploads. Also covers file renaming, copying, moving and deletion.

  4. Saving Files and/or Filenames in the Database

    Covers saving files in the database as BLOBs via ODBC and ADO. Also covers exporting files from the database.

  5. Progress Bar

    Provides instructions on setting up the HTML-based progress bar.

  6. User Impersonation and Permissions

    Explains impersonation via the LogonUser method. Also covers manipulating NTFS permissions and file attributes on uploaded files.

  7. Image Handling

    Covers support for image size and type extraction. Also demonstrates how to use AspJpeg in conjunction with AspUpload to resize images.

  8. Unicode Support

    Covers AspUpload's support for Unicode characters in text fields and file names.

  9. Miscellaneous Features

    Covers directory listing, file downloading, encryption support, and ActiveX registration. Also introduces the client-side upload tools XUpload and JUpload.

  10. Using AspUpload in a Shared Environment

    Explains how to disable certain features deemed potentially unsafe in a shared web-hosting environment.